IGI Databank: IGI 2 > Campaign 1 Russia > Mission 6: Production Facility
- Disable the security cameras
- Steal the blueprints for the EMP chips
- Turn off the power for the electrical fences
- Turn on the power for the factory machinery
- Hack the computer controlling the assembly line machinery
- Get to the helicopter for evacuation
Objective 1[]
- Head into the hills to your left.
- Use your map and binoculars to locate the sniper.
- Sneak behind the sniper and kill him.
- Take the sniper rifle.
- Head to your left as you look at the base to the next hill and lie flat.
- Use the map computer to watch the guards and get used to all their positions.
- Shoot the guard in the northeast corner tower followed by the patrolling guard on the north wall.
- Next, stand up, use the Thermal Imaging and look to your right – there’s a sniper patrolling the woods in front of the compound. Kill him
- Now kill the guard in the north-western corner tower followed by the guards in the two towers over the main gate.
- Do all this quickly.
- Now make your way towards the main gate entrance.
- Hide by the north wall and use the map computer to watch where the guards go. Kill the guy nearest the compound wall first with your handgun.
- Then shoot the guard near the fence perimeter.
- Run to the opposite side of the compound, taking a very wide route.
- Collect the sniper rifle from the dead sniper in the woods.
- Move to a position where you can see the two remaining towers and the guard in between. Once there, lie flat.
- From your position, you should be able to see a window in the south wall of the first storey of the office building. Try and shoot the guard in there.
- Next, shoot the guard on the wall, when he is in the middle of the wall, followed by the south-western tower guards.
- Next, shoot the two guards patrolling the inner compound on the ground. Do NOT shoot the guard on the first-floor roof of the office (EAKTEK) building
- Quickly head for the main gate and pick the lock.
- Move towards the compound wall quietly and creep along it to the office building.
- Avoiding the camera over the door, pick the lock to the EAKTEK building and enter while crouched. Stay crouched for the rest of this objective.
- Turn immediately to your left and move down the wall, staying crouched, and move away from the camera before the alarm sounds.
- Head to the left-hand door in the rear wall.
- Move into the room and kill the guard with either your handgun or knife.
- Leave the room, avoiding the cameras.
- Move backwards up the North stairs.
- Use the peek feature to decide when to move. You should be able to avoid the camera if you time it right
- Enter the door containing objective 1 and shut it.
- Hack the computer, but beware of the guard outside the window.
Objective 2[]
- Still crouched, walk back round towards the main entrance (double doors) and walk downstairs.
- Open the door at the foot of the other stairs and walk through the next door.
- Walk to the safe and unlock it to get the blueprints.
Objective 3[]
- Next walk (don’t run) back upstairs and through the door that leads outside onto the walkway.
- There is a guard on the first-floor flat roof of the EAKTEK building. As he turns his back on your position, head along the walkway to objective 3.
- Start at a crouch, then as you get further away from the sniper increase to a walk then a run.
- If you time it right, the guard will not see you. You can now press the electrical power switch.
Objective 4[]
- Keeping an eye on the guard you just avoided, jump off the wall and head for the electric fence.
- Climb the section of the fence with the broken barbed wire, to the left of the gate and enter the factory through the door.
- Ignore the guards, and crouch through the door to your right
- Quickly move towards and under the camera. Now move towards the metal stairs in the corner of the room ahead.
- Silently kill the two lab workers on the ground floor of this room.
- Go up the stairs, crouching all the time, and find and activate the switch for objective 4.
Objective 5[]
- Go back down to the factory floor and make your way to the steps round the back of the machinery.
- Climb into the observation room and hack the computer to destroy the machinery.
Objective 6[]
- Get out of the factory via the back door as quickly as you can.
- Climb the ladder onto the north wall (don’t touch the fence) and leap off the other side.
- Your extraction point is in a clearing to the west of the base – meet Quest and the helicopter there.