Project IGI Databank
Project IGI Databank

IGI Databank: IGI 2 > Campaign 1 Russia > Mission 4: Bridge Across the Dnestr

Igi2 mission4

I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike
4. Bridge Across the Dnestr


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White: That went better than I expected Jones. We can verify the chip you found is what were after. But...

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IGI Scientist: This is most unusual! The chip you came back with is an Electro- Magnetic Pulse chip, but not the prototype. It's not even a copy, but an improved version.

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White: God knows how many more of these things are out there.

Igi2 m4 b4

White: Luckily, those research logs you found have given us a new lead.

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White: A convoy with a consignment of chips is heading for a military base near the Ukrainian border.

Igi2 m4 b6

White: We need you to intercept that convoy at once, and retrieve those chips.

Igi2 m4 b7

White: It's going to be here in 15 minutes, you don't have much time. Quest will pilot a chopper and get you to the ambush point.

Igi2 m4 b8

White: Its a bridge near the base. First, you'll need to infiltrate the installation to acquire explosives and fuses.

Igi2 m4 b9

White: Find the equipment, then take out the bridge.

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White: Make sure you're on the right side of the bridge before its demolished!

Igi2 m4 b11

Quest: That place'll be hotter than the hinges o' hell once your charges go off...


1. Infiltrate the warehouse, and acquire four C4 charges

2. Acquire the timers and fuses from a patrol near the bridge

3. Set a C4 on each one of the four supporting pillars of the bridge

4. Get to safety, before the bridge explodes, on the side of the river where the convoy is


Objective 1[]


Attach C4 to all four supporting struts

  • Head straight down the hill, across the road and make your way slowly up the path to the main gates.
  • Lie flat, and hide in some cover.
  • Kill the patrolling enemies one-by-one.
  • Move to the main gate and enter the compound.
  • Use the pad to get into the second part of the compound and hide behind the truck.
  • Make your way behind the cargo containers and kill the patrolling guard.
  • From behind the cargo containers, shoot the security camera and duck back into cover.
  • Keep using cover to kill the guards who come to investigate.
  • You should be able to quickly kill the two guards left who are standing by the fence near the destroyed camera.
  • Head for the door into the warehouse and use your Thermal Imaging to establish the positions of the guards inside.
  • Enter the building and kill the three guards – try and get the guard on the walkway first.
  • Shoot the camera, pick the lock on the gates and grab the C4.

Objective 2[]

  • Leave the compound by the eastern entrance.
  • Move towards objective 2, and head down behind the truck closest to the road, keeping out of sight.
  • As the patrolling guard passes by, crawl out and grab the detonators. Now crawl backwards (don’t turn here) away from the pickup.
  • Now turn and head back behind the truck once a you are few metres away.

Objective 3[]

  • Head over to the south side of the bridge, circling round the road to stay out of sight.
  • Quickly move onto the bridge before the guards at objective 2 spot you, and then shoot the guards patrolling the bridge.
  • The guard nearest objective 2 has to be killed with a headshot.
  • Once they’re dead, move round to the north side of the bridge and place some C4 onto each main supporting strut of the bridge.
  • Make sure the last C4 is placed on the south-western strut, and leave the bridge via the south side – quickly.

Objective 4[]

  • Make sure you are on the right side of the river
  • Keep running as the blast from the C4 on the bridge can kill you.

[ M I S S I O N   C O M P L E T E ]


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